You are a tyrant in small stature
You scream and yell and pick at me
Like a crow to a piece of flesh
You are picking me apart dear friend.
Even as I stick up for you when other’s talk.
You pick and pick, until I am bones.
I can’t stand your words,
Like needles,
They poke, and frankly,
I find you more offensive than charming.
Cowardly, you call me,
Because I do not squander and squeal-
When things aren’t going my way.
You find everything to be injustice toward you.
It seems everyday you are fighting a war against me, and others.
I am sorry my friend, but friends no longer can we be,
While you are standing high upon your hunting ground,
I am a kill that’s diced up and decayed,
I’m rotted meat on shattered bone.
Find another deer.