I once was a child, I am not anymore

Dreams, hopes, who knows what is in store

I have written my own life

In it I was a man and a wife.


I played as a child and I never regret

My decisions, my mistakes, even my bets.

I traveled with my dreams

Because I have nothing else

And death screams!

Because I have nothing left.

Some mirrors are broken

Not by a black cat

Not by a dog, but from myself

In this life I always walked left.

I was an angel without arms

An honest citizen that worked in farms

And when death came at me

I left the clock and lived free.

I have no minutes, not time

Even words to write in a line.

I am giving love for free

With it, from the scratches I created a tree.

Now I am waiting and I know

That from death a new life can grow.

I believe I am the one

That one day with feel the sun.

I will survive without hurting someone.