The first awaken moment of your baby
The realization you are all they have
The short bouncing in the air laughter with drool
The look they give you just before their first wobbling step
The look upon their face as sleep takes them
The stare to the middle of nowhere with innocent eyes
The toothless unstoppable grin that wins you every time
The transfer of their love you taught them, to another
The first real big decision without need of acknowledgement
The loud crack of their heart they won’t let you hear
The pain they alone must endure
The day of shipping out to war
The day you give them your suitcase for life
“Beautifully Painful”
The quiet vacant sounds of a childless home
The sadness in their eyes thinking of you
The whisper of Shhh! I’ll still see you around Pops
The telling them that they won’t