-Nice day for a funeral -

Insanity and profanity

such dire companions in bereft society

A little girl’s best friends….

Her means to an end.

Beckon… always in the garden.

Mother hasn’t been the same, and though they only stare and whisper.

Little Alice knows who’s to blame.

Blue hues tear up and she can’t help but run away…

For who shall say, the mistress will live ?

The poor dear child, would give her soul to make it so !~

To have her lovely mother sway to and fro,

lost in her folly forevermore.


Alas ! It is not to be.

Lady Lenore is,

never more….

 - Down the rabbit hole  -

Sitting outside one day,

cat in her lap, hat at her side..

Little Alice was in for a curious sight.

A bunny,  a white rabbit with an odd

time piece.

Whimpering and worrying without thought or cease.

The poor little creature looked harmless enough,

So up went the girl with a soft little huff.

Never to dream, and never to think..

It was pure utter trickery.

For little girls are wont to trust,

Without question or  fuss.

Down, down…the child went.

Seeing sights more curiouser, curiouser

than the last.

Her eyes brightened and twinkled, enthralled.

What was this place to be called ?….

 -Drink in the madness -

An oddball tea party !,

How unique, how grand.~

A crumpet, a beverage,

to hide bloodied hands.

Mr. Hatter and Ms. March,

seem the lively bunch…

Yet why does her frail heart have a little hunch ?

There is danger in the air….

The jam is too sweet,

it lulls her mind and beckons to sleep.

Oh my, dear Alice what have you done ? ~

Will this be your down fall ?

Your failure at last ?

Speak now dear child !

Lest they cut out your tongue !~

-Wonderland suicide -

Through perils and oddities our heroine seeped,

to  earn the respect of  subjects whom searched….

for a queen.

A young one.

A pretty one with flaxen locks.

With blue eyes that sparkled, like precious rocks.

Forever loved and ever pristine.

To replace the oafish haggard heart Queen ~

The misfit and odd ball became surely warped..

With an innocent smile and half lidded eyes.

Little Alice shall rule for all other kin life….

 - Principles of Paradise -

Come join us dear friend,  come hither don‘t cry.

No look of dejection is needed, tut tut !

Bliss is wholly offered, and perhaps even a rut ?

Little boys and girls oft flock at our door,

Though we do ask for a simple price of admission…

Your blood on the floor… ~