Run away

Is the best advice I can give you. Yes use the training that occupies the space in your mind where your childhood should be. Don't breathe too deep you'll burn out fast. I'll get at you when you pass out on the grass.

Run away

Your chiseled chest won't get you out of this one. Isn't it sad to know all of your hours in the gym are for nothing? All the time you've wasted, the relationships that have passed by because you were too busy. It's sad, isn't it?

Run away

Let those steroids push you on. Pump another shot into your arm. Get angry, you're gonna need the 'roid rage to even think you stand a chance. Run a little faster while I dance: dragging chains like tambourines to ensure you won't escape; beating trees with baseball bats like beats stomped on the stage; staggered, manic breathing adds a rhythm to my rage; all of it topped off by the gnarling of these blades.

Run away

You aesthetic little bitch. You don't want me to hurt that pretty little face, do you? Do you want that perfect body in ruins? You're built for show. I'm built to break your bones: to make you quake and shake inside; like a shaken baby you won't again be right.

Run away

Sure you pack a good punch or two. Go ahead, knock me on my ass. Break my fucking jaw for all I care. That makes it all the more fun, I'm sick, I love the taste of my own blood. I'm coming at you with slit wrists, not cause I'm depressed, because I'm pissed-- it seems you're just my type, I can't resist.

Run away

Although I have a nice side too. I don't need to cut you. I don't need to pull you apart. No, I just want your soul. You just need to die. Maybe I'll be gentle.

Run away

No more, as you collapse like a building struck by a plane. Dehydrated, you have a headache. You can't speak. You can't breathe. You can barely see. Only an outline.

Run away

Run away

I laugh at that

Now you can never run away

Two days later you awake in a hospital bed. Your eyes crust over with multitudes of colorful flakes. Tell me, how confused were you when you found the tiny stab wound in your fore-head? Were you surprised at all by your newfound physical weakness? You can barely keep your eyes open. Oh no, you're not used to this. You must have been really surprised when the doctor came in and told you you have aids. Bummer.

When I had you trapped and cornered you begged for your life, it's funny, you're better off dead: aids needle in your forehead, now we’re both sick in the head.