Botox Betty
- Details
- Written by: venusinfurs
- Category: Prose
- Hits: 2306
There's a kind of weakness and fragility a vulnerability of some sort that is apparently implied in a woman's decision to go to great lengths to change her physical bodily appearance. It is sad and discomforting to know many women share this inferiority complex than can only be remedied by the obvious plastic surgery liposuction
and countless tummy tucks and breast implants that will enhance one's appearance. But the truth is, it only makes it worse.This transformation into the Botox Betty of someone's ideal dream is all around us, we only have to take a closer look. Take a look around you next time when you are outside, at the Cafe, on the sidewalk, even in the office. What is Beauty? True Beauty? Is it something you can buy? Is it attainable for any human being that, by some cruel standard, does not fall into the social definition of what is beautiful? Who defines this and under what authority? How is a concept so abstract and mutable taken so literally? I feel these questions lack a single concrete answer. For now I will agree to disagree with the millions of Botox Betties that walk the earth, living and breathing the ideal they perpetuate in their minds. The Beautiful People may not have the answer I'm looking for.