To this day I don't know why I did it. I suppose it seemed the appropriate response at the time. I'd never considered myself a violent man. Just barely a man perhaps.
When the life finally wrestled free from her, I cried for what felt like hours. Her still warm blood covered my hands, the deep crimson burning into my eyes like a branding iron. Suddenly, the clouds moved across the sky, the moonlight illuminating the stairwell on the outside wall of the next building. And I knew what I had to do.
I raced towards the first step, my clumsy legs pausing only to allow me a glance at the mess I was leaving behind, before hauling myself upwards. To the very top. As I reached the roof, the wind buffeted me from all sides, howling as it rushed between the buildings. I approached the ledge, and with each step my heart sank a little further, until I could see her lifeless body lying in the alleyway.
I'm sorry Andrea.
I love you.
And then I jumped.