Fortuitously I went once to that empty space you may sometimes find between two cities. This is neither a matter of luck nor misfortune. It is about getting lost willingly or not.

Many would find it frightening at first but after a while almost everyone would feel the peculiar exhilaration of loneliness. It could get bad, but for at least a short time, all there is, is peace.

I looked around, that one day I came to this unnatural desert, and saw I was surrounded by ruins and decay. It looked like a place where cities had been before, leaving tracks of how they had moved and left, for everyone to witness.

This is the kind of place where souls, if souls there were, would keep silent or whisper at most. The few houses, or what remained of these, were uninhabited and no one would ever come to you offering a bit of their warmth.

That day I walked in those empty lands, following the isolated road crossed by a few cars that never stopped, no questions came to mind. Freedom was like the only feeling there was to be felt, it had seeped into my skin, ran into my veins, surely would never leave again? I once thought about my loved ones.

But I felt no regret and brushed the thought aside.

When alone enough, I realized then, slightly surprised, the love you once felt is likely to turn into disinterest.

I was coming from nowhere and going nowhere, yet the thing I least wanted was to leave. But somehow I knew the quietness I felt was not made to last, nor could I really quit my urban busy life for this desert and really feel happy in the long term.

The truth is I can’t remember what this emptiness looked like, except for the lands as far as the eye could see and the faded trees now and then. It had felt like an abandoned park, once splendidly tamed, now superbly wild.

 I suddenly felt the urge to leave, so strong it certainly disturbed the peace of the place. I embraced in one gaze the whole landscape and hurried back to my car, which was much more closer than was I would have thought.

I got it started quickly and went back as fast as I could to that one place where the buzzing sound of busy lives never ceases.