A Trip to Nowhere
- Details
- Written by: Neilisgood
- Category: Prose
- Hits: 1689
I'm on a trip to nowhere with the radio down thinking. Thinking of a time when this silence didn't exist; my ear full of your words; my car full of your laughter. A day when my hand shook nervously as I took hold of yours; your fingers fit so perfectly like
a diamond ring. I felt a rush of warmth as I looked into your eyes, into your soul, and our lips touched like an explosion, as if we were gas and matches. The fire spread like an angels wings, rising up, taking us to a moment of bliss. For now, it's gone, you're gone. I'm hopeless and hopeful at the same time. Thoughts of our memories slice me like a crown of thorns; the spark is still there. The fire burns.