Brace yourself for this parting fall heralds a beckoning year,
like a newly sprung lily sprouting by the ravine dancing in the sweet mirth
Of nurturant earth a providence for it`s root then the perennial river
Nourishing it to shoot buds teetering sedately in it`s tranquil habitat.
Quaint be the faculty shunting out the dredges of the forgone time,
Vivacious be my spirit high as a beacon towering else that troubles
Convivial be my soul with setting expectations to achieve,
Frugal be my sense devoid off impulsive instincts and rapaciousness.
Victory songs already trump my mind with sonorous bells of optimism
Transfiguring it into a theatre brimm`d with audience in standing ovation
Admiring what is to be with a commencing year soon to be in full stream
Conveying me along its giddy path with harbours high as a moon.
Only a smirched sadist can poise to temper the exultation I feel surging
Unorthodox defying all hindrances flying high like an eagle soaring.