try me if you please as you are out spreading the disease

plagued by thoughts of granduer with affectionate melancholy

sparkling array of blissful care through the air

my very soul permeates a reason for being amidst the changing of the seasons

with daffodils and common ivy hue

come with me as we frolic in a land of make believe

away from the bustling crowd can make you think out loud

there is a land with kings and queens with twisted heated evil schemes

nestled near the dungeon there lies a little baby dragon caught in his humble abode

a nearby court jester merry and wise enticing to the villagers in the square

juggling and spinning around like the present day clown

a fare maiden timid with red dress alone in her castle looking into the mirror

there is a beautiful butterfly that leaps through the cobblestone onto the greenn grass with moss

the lovely maiden begins to sip on a cup of tea with a bisquit crumbs are left behind

faces, spaces & traces

filter through the duration of time in a menagerie of sorts in the quaint kings court

there in the center is the jewel of the Nile running rampant & wild

personifications of colors mark the cobblestones leading to a garden with beautiful flowers

it's Spring time and the court is filled with wine & spice galore

a black cat dazzles in the sunlight next to the baby dragon alone

the court jester begins his sonnet with not a dry eye in the parlor

"Love is the essence of my inner existence shun its resistance"...

outside at night the moon was still and there fell a quaint bellowing noise coming from the baby dragon as if a gasp.

nestled below there was small dwarfs scratching there heads trying to go to bed


perched on the maiden's window was a beautiful white dove with a reed in its beek

in solace the warm brevity permeates throughout the duration of this quaint land

let the reader understand the fullest extent of the kingdom in your thoughts

into letting it dazzle the very fabrication of your mind then in time

dreams would ensue of decorative doorways with covered wagons & parchment boards exposed

inside you will see the visualization of a walkway a given chance to get away

behind pillars then trophies of long ago in this vast domain

beautiful illustration of the unseen land let it bask in the vast expanse of your mind

a place to find love for nature and the beauty it helps to represent

the maiden has a significant purpose to bridge the gap between heaven & hell

with a great story in which to tell from the heart of her soul

her mind tingles her body aches with the pleasure she was afforded

when she is done she will feel the climax of her restored heart with that of sullen brevity

she cares for the baby dragon with equated logic and fervor and will forever honor her

the green moss surrounds the land and even infects the nostrils of the palace guard

for this is a land we used to have been given to us out of vested reason of being

the intuned harmony to the hidden beasts menagerie cause all of life is but a mystery you see