Like a flower born in Spring`s glory;
Natured with natural beauty to bear,
Still raging storms howling deadly
May deface the beauty to start over.
Sweet be the tongue singing love;
Raving and ranting in flatterers best,
Heaven and earth granted i promise
The land of milk and honey too in grant.
The frail Beauty`s ear surrenders;
The virtue incantations too strong
For general truth harsh realities
Too implant sense and see deceit haunting.
For what better good shall their minds
Loose the clouded eyes and awake;
`efore the bellies round and silver-stripes
Drives then out of knowledge quest in shame.
For what better good shall their minds
Firm in perverse and tenacious in obstination;
Loose the ill-flatter and the deceitful ways
Of this day and age,the wide-fall of o`r Age.
Youth and sophistry like bread and butter;
Inseparable items of this ephemeral rage:
Insatiable death shrouds them in honour,
As they stoop in ill-love and cons come late.