Through the fields of the corn
The low lands and the prairies
The paths that lead to towns
The pastures that yield our berries
Sounds a ringing horn
Saying something mary
Through the wind liberty blows
Posterity follows
Equality of all man is carried
In the skies over the pacific
High in the rocky mountain west
Near the raining water falls
Where the sunsets look terrific
The eagles fly around
Dropping arrows on the proud
Freedom yells out loud
Land of the free
Home of the brave
Land of the proud
Home of the blessed
From the harbours of Boston
To the city that would succumb to brotherly love
We declared our independence
With a stroke of our pens
A taste of their tea
A piece of our minds
And a you will take our muskets
Before you take our dime
This land is your land
This land is my mine
But ain't no king of your land
Taking another penny of thine
We chased them to the Atlantic
Tails between their legs
Running away frantic
Holding bloody rags
Wished it was a tough one
More like a good run
Or one last bite of an old English muffin
Before we let them limp away
For them it's back to King George
Or some other gorge
They got a boot in their sacks
That's the American Tax
Four years later
And almost to the day
Where we declared our independence
Our founding fathers had something to say
With some sheepskin
An eagle quil
And some iron gall
We rang that liberty bell so hard
We cracked her God blessed wall
We got the right to remain silent
And freedom of speech
Divided the Congress
Ring, ring, ring,
We became the United States of America that day
For a while we lost our way
Then Abe swung his Axe
And the statue of liberty started walking our way
Carey Yoquelet 9/2/2017