You look upon the labyrinth of life
Engulfed by a snow globe.
Hope has brought you here,
It's cold but promises warmth.
With your heart on your sleeve-feelings in hand
You step inside.
All your emotions freeze as brisk wind whips by.
A string of regret wraps itself around you,
Someone grabs your hand,
The hand that held trust.
You tuck away the useless emotions.
Then they cut you,
Grabbing at your wounds you drop trust-it shatters.
Your happiness begins to cry out,
But the cold freezes the tears.
They proceed by pouring salt on you,
Your icy happiness begins to melt.
They continue to laugh at the scars left behind on your heart,
The heart you once wore so proudly that you're now ashamed of.
They ask what's wrong,
You shrug silently.
They ask why you don't talk anymore
as they sow your mouth shut with the very string of regret you have been feeling the moment you entered,
The regret stings as it wraps its way around your lips-leaving you speechless.
There's nothing left,
They finally leave you alone
after every good feeling is gone.
Standing in the cold you put your hands in your pocket for warmth,
But all you get is the cold emotions that you once tucked away-pain and despair,
You cry... You cry and cry and cry,
The tears freeze on your face suffocating you in a sheet of icy despair,
You're dying... Your life and emotions flash before your eyes,
and then in the moment, you remember,
There is still hope.
The hope that fills the shoes that brought you too this miserable place.
You take off your shoes and remove the hope within them,
You fill your self with it,
It melts away the pain,
It cracks the ice of despair
You are breathing again,
You are alive!
A little hope is all you need to survive the murderous despair that is inside...