Is fear when your 3000 feet in the air?
About to jump out of a plane on a stupid dare?
Is fear when your sixteen about to take your driving test?
Your mom comforting you saying “All you can do is you best”
Is fear when you go to a new school in the middle of the year?
Considered the new kid and they all whisper while they stare
Is fear when you go to your very first interview?
Where there’s five people deep interrogating you
And your thinking is this ever gonna be through?
Fear is when you give a speech in front of a large crowd
Your stomach queasy, your palms damp and your thinking please Lord
Kill me now
Is Fear rejection?
Where you say hi passing a stranger on the street just to be polite
And they glare back at you, their eyes look like a fire might ignite
Where you ask a family member for a favor or a friendly ear
And they shoot you down with such hate it brings you to tears
Is Fear Failure?
Failure at life as a whole
Failure so deep it leaves your soul crushed and cold
When you should have been there as a parent but you were
Too caught up in your own bullshit
Kids growing up not knowing how to deal with life, not even a
Little bit
Messing up like you did
Always knowing you can’t fix it because they’re no longer kids
They say face your fears head on
They say you can’t really LIVE if your not fearless and strong