My timeously role model gave
Me bread and discipline.With his infinite
Mind entailed with tales.Night time was
Story time a truly remarkable way to conclude
The day.

I remember that bicycle he used to ride daily,
And that club sitting at Umsamu I don`t  wish
To remember.Month end were rapturous not rapacious
All the food,the pocket money and most importantly

Ignominy death shattered us all,the tar red tarred
The face blanketed in red,the spikes of the 
Bike dripping blood.The head flung out of it`s shape
The driver bit the dust and fled the scene.
And the people were just standing there mesmerized
On the pool  witnessing the honourable death
Of my grandfather.

God grant me the serenity of facing the road ahead.
Grant me the strength to live without him.That sorrowful
Day I shall never forget.I`m bare because of it.

Heaven knows we shall meet again in the land
Of purity.I shall redeem my sense of True happiness once
We meet.I still live in your discipline,morals and principles.
I shall never lose sight on life whilst your
Spirit consoles me