Fold your hands
in your lap,
in between your slow, deep breaths.
Watch your feelings drift off,
like seeds in the wind
Leaving their old home
to explore the world,
finally settling somewhere far away.
Count them, as they disappear.
Inhale —
Watch as Stress mounts a cloud,
Winks and waves goodbye.
He says,
“Farewell, old friend.”
You give him a quick nod
and return to serenity.
Hold Anxiety in your hand
and let her fall from your fingertips.
See her fade out of view,
leaving your line of sight.
Look at your feelings,
Observe them for the last time.
Anger storms away in a raging fire
While the pink puppies of Excitement chase behind,
Bouncing and tumbling after each other.
And Sadness lags behind,
shuffling her feet.
One, two, three…
Count your feelings as you watch them float off
into the light of the eternal
yet evanescent sun,
Leaving you
with an inner calm —
Close your eyes.