We’ve got time.
Everyone always says “we’ve got time”
But what is time…
How much time do we have…
How can you make me such an empty
and futile promise.
We’ve got time!?
We’ve still got time…
But what about when time is spent.
How will you have spent it,
how will we have spent it?
Will we spend it,
or will that,
our very “we”,
be spent.
Spend, spent, bent?
My very being and existence is bent.
Twisted, crooked, misshapen.
Was I mistaken to expect
that we had more time than this…
What happened…
I miss your lips.
Your kiss.
I miss whatever this is… Was?
This still is.
My existence remains.
Why do we exist if it isn’t all leading up to this.
This moment when for a moment you stop and question why do we exist if it isn’t all leading up to this?
I exist.
We kiss.
I’m bent.
We’ve got time.
My time is spent.