I stand by the sea
away from Hectic City;
My heart is all at once free.
I listen to the waves,
I’m no longer a slave,
Only for inspiration does my heart crave.
The Sea holds my hand;
It says ‘Listen, my friend!’
The Vast Blueness opens
revealing pages in golden ink written.
It reads to me
of Arab traders, Portuguese navigators;
It reads to me
of Dutch colonizers, then French and Britishers.
It laments
the pains of slaves from Africa;
It laments
the torments of labourers from India.
It then tells me of great men
who have shaped the future of our island.
At sunset it sings the love of ‘Paul et Virginie’
-two pure souls in an immortal tragedy.
I pensively blink my eyes,
The sea stares at me for a while,
Then ,this sea- whisper blows through my hair :
‘Write, write Poet, in your thoughts never be scared.’