What goes up must come down. 

No colors can define who you are. 

You may own a cart or limousine. 

We'll still reach the end when it is near. 

I may be poor today and eat from trash. 

 Tomorrow, you can't tell. I'll earn some cash. 

The bed where you lie is soft and wide. 

I sleep at a sidewalk and the stars are my lamp. 

You wake up each morn' with a feast on your table 

While we are scavenging to fill stomachs when we're able. 

Our destiny isn't written in the stars. 

We work for a living to thrive in this life. 

Be thankful every morning you witness the sun 

And pray tonight that no one lives same as I. 

Wheels come in full circle,rolling round and round. 

Today you'll be on top, 

I am watching from the ground. 

Let us bear in our minds that we are better than birds. 

Our loving Father ensures each mouth is fed. 

Not even the smallest details can pass by His eyes. 

So plant a seed of kindness and reap a better life.