Pop, let it breathe they say

So you sniff the cork

Admire the label

Select a glass

Sit back and relax


Red, but darker really

A bruise, a plum, a welt

Picked from loamy sands

By gnarled, knotted hands


Or so you would imagine

A grape to be so gathered

That staves the pain

Your vision sustained


Pour and swirl

Make it cry with you

Long legs should be admired

Despite your being tired


Slow now to the lips

There’s no need to hurry

The aroma fills your nose

And your need to taste it grows


Your exhaustion fades away

Your joy glistens before you

A bittersweet bouquet

This bottle of the day


The many that came before

Made a joy a chore

And those that follow after

Will make Merlot your master