Shall I measure the winds own weight
Replace Peter at the golden gate
Elevate the skies to match your eyes
Change the truth to match your lies
Glance at me but just once more
And I shall remove the sea from shore
And build you God’s whitened wings
That you may rise above all these things
Above the harm and pain of earth
As I shall love you long past dirt
A grain is but a man of salt
A perfect love but he cannot
But rise from deep inside his chest
To find a love that never rest
Wrong or right for you I’ll fight
That you may love me just one night
As suffering and love become best friends
You the summer… and I her wind
Although the scent of you can endanger me
I would breathe on folded knee
And I shall weaken as a man
If it helps you make one last stand
I know you’re just a woman in skin
But underneath that bedroom sin
A spirit and soul on a destined flight
You’re everything the world got right
And I would be so proud of you
If I am chosen to be your groom
I will change gloom and doom to light
As life begins its end with you my wife
From first the rise of blazoned sun
Until life has told us we are done
Never has the world unleashed
This power of love in man or beast
The love I have left to show
I will prove my love by never letting go
And turn the west into the east
And you’re starving love into a feast
But even if you choose to say hell no
I don’t care… I still won’t go