Illuminated Lust:
A hunger for slumbering love,
To taste the the decadence,
The richness,
She's drenched in.
And in an instant, dance in the the waters of her soul.
Stumbling among common stones,
I've walked this dark unknown
And here,
I behold a supernova.
Brilliant beauty exploding
Across my senses,
Leaves me without sentence.
Senseless words.
For thoughts peppered in diamond dust,
To penetrate that mind,
Entwine deep inside
And feel her come alive.
Tending to teasing seeds,
Bearing fruits of flesh's needs,
Feeding upon her ecstacy.
Let my desire ignite hers,
And gorge on the embers
Of our endless sins.
Seven evils to corrupt a man.
One woman to believe again.