we start with yellow its a yellow day and we have a yellow sun the yellow runs across the ground as if yellow is all we need yellow is all around its on the walls its in your eyes its in the refraction between colours that make up the rainbow. yellow on the pillow as your yellow head sleeps soundly, the greatness of your dreams provided by yellow gods and exorcist ghosts. all the girs in town use yellow make up to cover up the bruises the boyfriends use yellow to patch the holes in the jeans i use yellow from here to there and everwhere in between. my yellow pages helps me call for help and the yellow leaves of autumn provide a rush of turning the leaf and cheek. the yellow of the sand in summer and the yellow moon reflecting in the mirror through yellow curtains as you vainly stare at your mellow complexion to get a better idea of how you became so yellow. yellow cars yellow cabs yellow buses yellow stars yellow campnight fires and yellow flickers of peaks and spires we see into the disatnce, the future the past but right now all we see is yellow.  yellow is good and pale, yellow is strong and binding its on pretty flowers and it exudes powers that we incorporate into dull lives to inflect a sensation. i always describe sensation as yellow. its a magnificent colour to include into life and sex and death. yellow makes the day go easier its easy on the eye its easy on the skin its easy to touch as you pass me by. i long for the touch of your skin oh yellow creature of goddess qualities. i bet the heavens have seven shades of yellow and the fairest one of all is spellbinding. yellow drawers, yellow bra, yellow cupboard and yellow doors that let you pass by and go so far. the existance of the limits are only defind by your yellow mind. yellow is the colour of breath as you whisp it from your mouth so politely into the atmosphere. its feel lucky to share the same yellow and feed of the faith it holds.yellow business, yellow romance, yellow day trip and yellow streams of smiley faces and happiness.