i tried to find this man that i am to compel upon me. how i wish i didnt have to do it. i have done this first part of the task i have been set. Oh Ares i hope you know i do this will for you. only you have my heart.
This man i found, Jim, the Fisher man. He is a lonely soul. He is a kind and gererous man. i see him give up his entire life for his own mision and his one true calling. His Fishing. I see is mind and heart are true and strong. Never broken before.
His fantasy i see, though he knows it not, is a woman of courage of exploration fighting for more in a life already begun to end. I see he needs to go quicker to slow down and see whats out there. I will create him a Pirate chick. and i name her Izabella.
So its Jim and Izabella. Me and this mortal. a mortal and Aphrodite. he didnt even try to refuse me. the thoughts never crossed his mind. i could see immediately. curiosity intrigue and an overwhelming passion was thrown over him. lost in my beauty. His luck.
i imagined i would find it repulsive being with this man. but such a lover he has become. what a man he turns out with a little guidance and encouragement. I did not imagine a mortal, too, could love another such as the way Jim has fallen for me. Its like he was woken up inside
the change is dramatic. i have witnessed, created a kind gentle willing monster by accident to the people. They are calling him the Fisher King now. nothing seems to be going wrong. for him or for my quest. He is desperately in love with Izabella.
i look at how happy he is. This proclaimed King. I have known kings of old ages and he in his own way has the power to be a true royal at heart. Its to say that i am allowing myself to love this man in return. slowly forgetting Aphrodite and Ares, left in a chamber of memories being pushed to the back of a warehouse.
I must not forget my quest
Difficult now i love him. Hades must have seen this to happen. He had wished it in his malice that i would lose myself this world. that evil canniving devil. i wish i shall rip that thing into pieces when i see him next. when i have done this dreadful deed.
Time is moving on with Jim. He hasnt seemed to change. His love grows deeper. I must find a way soon to break him. i must try to remember Ares smell, sweat and muscles holding me. never have i felt so safe.