the coolest cat on the planet is in view. how is he cool well let me tell you! he has those sunglasses the ones everyone wants but instead they squint. stupid. ignorant and naive. he is cool oh so cool cos he wears a top hat a bow tie and leaves everything where he already sat. nothing is ever the same twice. just an unwritten rule. you cant have the same moment the same facade the same deja vu the same view twice. all those words of likely lads and mojos rising and fads of the pigs versus the common people. who would you rather sleep with. how does the coolest cat striking in shirt and even with black eyes and bruised knckles. the guy that looks so calm until you find out he is packing acid in his inner lining. that guy is trying to keep his shit his nose his inner elbow where that needle entered the skag and all that blow. it all makes him cool as the shnizle. oh i want to be tha stranded isolated raised upon shoulders with clear air and unopened water. i want to make demands of the most obscure traditions and dead language to unfold just for me like i just knew it because i was famed across the land. i used to work for this shit now i have put my feet upon the laurels that i rest easy with no sorrow. if any suitors or traitors or my stance come along fuck 'em they are not me i did it first i am the coolest i am the god of the people, i am the peoples god. i say what they want to hear i make the rhymes pretty i make their lives skivvy and spinny. they owe it to me to hold up my name. but do i care about any of that. hell no, i am cool. i am the breeze. i am so fucked up geeze you dont even no. oh my good god. its outrageous the stuff people give me now. as if they owe me something. like i gave them a meaning to their pitiful lives. again.... hell no, i did it all for me. im not selfish until it comes to be about me and these days its all about my dreams, other people help me fulfill my dream and give the heralded crow to my personal space. they care more about me than they do their own wedding their own baptism their own masturbation personal time. actually the latter they should because that is pretty sad. sorry i depart from my orignal rant. i cant decide whether i am ranting or not. do i like being waited upon hand and foot or do i feel sorry for all these bozos trying to earn my bucks just to be able to tell their friends where they got it from. this cool cat, the one infront of this screen, reading this message of complete balderdash understands that they are famous in themselves, in their own lives and can relate to whatever it is was said in the last lines they read because i tells ya what yuou can already summise, the writer of this piece of garbage on celebrity status depicted from the image of the doors in 1969 is completely fucked on heineken or watever. the spelling mistakes are deliberate and its all in the name of fun and personal philosophy. if you can see something of yourself in this.....whooops. you need help fothermucker!!!!!