Green Bike


Saw you today

Green bike

Pale blue knapsack.

But too bad

you didn’t get

close by me.


We seemed to make

a lot of eye contact

I want to know

your name,

hope u see this...





You had me


I don't even

know your name,

but maybe

I'll find out.


Not trying to flirt

or take anything to a level

it probably shouldn't go to,


I'll go ahead and

assume you're taken...


but you're definitely

the most noticeable

I've seen so far.


Love your voice...



We said we would talk again


We met ten days

after your birthday.

I enjoyed discussing

your political views

and saluting each other

in many languages.

You questioned how

happy you were with

the length of your beard

I said I liked it

just the way it was.


Our conversation could

have continued in the parking lot,

but you were concerned for

a family member and the night ended.


We hugged and I felt that you may

have kissed me if I didn't turn away.

I was interested, but thought we'd had

too many drinks and it might be

nice to wait for a sweeter time.


I am avoiding the one way

I know to get a hold of you,

and am wondering if

you are doing the same.



Find Me!


Trying again

Cannot respond

to the message

you sent.

Please respond here!

Hope you find this!!





I wish I could tell

you how I really feel.

I wish you knew how

much I care about you.



It’s so hard


...being away from you.

I didn’t realize how much

I had already grown to rely on

your being in my corner.

But as hard as this is,

I’m not sure it’s harder

than the sharing, and wondering,

and waiting.


Regardless, I miss you like hell.

It's driving me crazy

to  not talk to you.

I want you to be the one that’s there.

I want to be your one.

The in between place was

killing me though.



I wish you would understand


Although I know you won't.

I wish I could understand why.

I have my theories...

Gosh how I wish I

didn't give a sh*t!

My feelings change daily.

From hurt to angry.


How is it that you get so angry

with me, can say

and do as you please?

While I sit here

dealing with this "situation"



Having to choose what to do....


I can't move on because

my heart won't let me.

I have heard multiple times

that I am one of the most

faithful girls ever.


You of all people don't realize that.

These past 2 months have been

a slap in the face.

Glad to know when

your life was sh*t

I was there.


But you're far from helping me.

Please for once prove everyone wrong!

Please show everyone you're not

a self centered a**hole.





I just realized how much

of a douchebag user you are.

You use people

and way too much drugs

to ever be successful

in anything you do.

This is not so much

a missed connection

as a dodged bullet.

Have a nice life you

fucking asshole

because I know I will.