I’m drawn to her hung up
on the particulars of her workings
like a marionette dangling
on the strings of my subconscious
never knowing when or how
I’ll succumb to her power
without question or objection
her brief breeze of disruption
billows my limbs suspended
in a scene I can’t locate but t
know I’ve seen before.

                                             Like that old man in the café,
                                             pebbles in his voice
                                             as he orders sorbet from the waitress.
                                             I know he’s about to start
                                             hacking a lung into his napkin,
                                             turning everyone’s edibles to phlegm.
                                             They drop forks with disgust
                                             as I revel in the moment,
                                             a split-second oracle
                                             predicting each action
                                             with clever clairvoyance,
                                             matter-of-fact exactness.

                                             Amongst my company 
                                             she’s chosen me, the only one
                                             given sight like clips of future-history
                                             spliced into present-tense synapses
                                             for my exclusive viewing.

Then just like that she fades,
as does her mental gift,
cigarette-burned from existence
before I get greedy with the glimpse.

I stumble in pursuit of her
as she darts back to nothingness,
the nimble nymph of memory,
too quick and surely snickering
in the sudden interruption

                                                                        of some other schmuck’s oblivion.