Top Secret
- Details
- Written by: soi-disant
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 1511
fascinating little article you got there a fascinating snake skin encapsulating the DVD that wont run. intriguing but small hand that manages the black and white keys of the out of tune piano. you play so nicely. obviously the most exhilarating experience is with a wooden totem pole and five naked girls painted in war statures that resemble your future. don't you think that if i beguile your needs that you will rest easy on the gear stick of fame, that you will slow down to meet the shadows of sunlight past the black hole and into a whirlwind of sight. slow down that image pixellate it and collage it into some unknown repertoire of drugged word use. in the middle of the number counter is a word. ten points if you find that word amusing twenty if you cannot decipher it until the air fills your lungs with water. intrepid pursuers run a mock of the castle battlements shooting their arrows and pouring ink from cartridge onto smudge faces. the painting is most unfinished yet most bizarrely the best i have yet to see. do you get it yet. don't you see how you are better than the one you seek. you search for the one well i search for two. two,Top DS me and you. search in Paris, search in Venezuela search in the mines of Mordor and in the world of Gotham and New York and into the blues bar on mars. search everywhere. isn't it most fascinating how this article is about you, but do you know why. did i see the letter print with a top secret stamp on it.