Two Lovebirds sit beside one another
on a bus-stop bench
cuddling whispering shooting the breeze
Kissing for the world to see
and envy
I feel deprived
I want the lie
they believe in
I want to feel
without reason
I want to share
without criticism
I want to connect
like they do
I feel deprived
Must I roll my eyes
when I see them?
Must I feel sick
When I hear songs about them?
Must I hold contempt
against the Two Lovebirds
who seem to know
How to Love One Another?
Or must I cease any questioning
and let myself live?
To Love In Vain?
Must I hold my tongue
and suppress my urge to regurgitate my Thai curry
all over the sidewalk?
At the sight of the Two
Young Pristine Lovebirds
I feel deprived
and envious
After all is said and done
I secretly hope they do not mock me
As I do them
I only hope my loneliness
will soon cease to exist
So that I may not
The sight of the Two Lovebirds anymore
Whilst listening to sappy love songs
I could care less for...
Oh look---
They've disappeared!