In situations like these,
you can’t really find a way out.
Each way is a different path leading to destruction,
one with them, one with you and them.
You just never know how bad something can get,
until you let it,
and then it’s too late to stop it;
but you wouldn’t know at that point in time.
Life is a complicated puzzle,
that is never solved,
and she’s always around to mock you.
She is one annoying thing at times
and you can’t avoid her,
so why try?
You continue to ask yourself,
why is it that you are the one that has to deal with this,
because you can’t escape them or her.
The real question should be how to deal with it so that you can move on,
then it wouldn’t be so bad.
Then again…can you really find a safe way out?
For me, I feel that I can’t,
yet I’m still trying to find my answer.