A feeling that runs back
To the yester years…
When stress was unit test
A music competition around the corner
A project to be submitted along side
When rivalry was over a tiffin
Sharing notes
Or just changing a best friend
When every next day was a brand new beginning
Where grudge held no space
Every big fight was forgotten
When sharing secrets were another period on the time table
Where hanging around didn’t need to have an agenda
Years kept passing by
Only made bonds stronger
How best friends remained constant
Exchanging pencils and scented erasers
Slowly developed into sharing
Deeper secrets of a hidden sweetheart
When romance was just catching a glimpse
Just making an eye contact
Or the first smoke at the car park
Time kept racing by
Like the 100 meters sprint on a sports day
As the time neared
Some parted ways
Few yet together
Still spoke for hours
Sometimes discussing future
At times pulling legs
Other times talking endlessly… Aimlessly for hours
Without inhibitions
Without pretence
Never conscious about those funny faces
Without fearing a statement to be misinterpreted… Misunderstood
Today… After years when we all come together yet once again…
It seems like the time had stopped for a few years
Nothing had changed
Apart from some maturity that came with time
And a few strands of grey hair
Rest remained the same..
Same comfort
Yet bullying a few and teasing some
Refreshing childhood crushes
And innocent romance
Moments of embarrassed blush
These are the moments of the childhood
These are the friends we grew up with
Together it makes
Heaven.. A place on earth