Pulsating torment of your fist clenched around my heart
Suffocating my insides as you lacerate my body
With a gash slit slash and split I am ripped apart.

Fondle my spirit until I am incurable
Your heinous atrocity so conspicuous
To all who know me your rancor so palpable.

Manipulate my soul to make me dwell in your imagination,
Desecrate my recollection of all that's normal,
Your monstrosities will expedite you to eternal damnation.

I have accepted your demeanor and will no longer submit to your supremacy,
I am determined to extricate myself from your intolerable abuse,
It will be a test of my soul's accuracy.

Once you have diminished and are no longer around,
I can institute a new self,
And be everlastingly proud.

Just when I surmise you have dissipated at last,
I receive a premonition to turn around,
Only to notice that you have returned to deliver another blast.

I struggle to fight back,
But your malicious intents are too extensive,
My physical stamina lacks.

A shrill of excruciating pain as the knife penetrates my skin,
My life flashes before me,
You will incinerate in hell for your sin.

Slowly and painfully the knife forces out blood,
A gasp and a groan, I try to retaliate,
But my body doesn't budge, as if I'm stuck in mud.

The blood spurts out thicker and I feel myself fading,
I'm feeling breathless, yet death seems so far,
Please kill me now so I am not left waiting.

You are satiated with happiness from the look of terror on my face,
Your trembling hand reaches for your object of the last ambush,
I am forcefully pulled closer to you so you can rejoice in a final embrace.

A gun is extracted from your pocket with ease,
I'm still gushing with blood,
But you just want to tease.

I sense my longing for death growing bigger,
Suddenly, as if you read my mind you did me a favor:
You pulled the trigger.

A bullet penetrated my body at last,
This time my death was fast.

Pulsating torment of your fist clenched around my heart,
Suffocating my insides as you lacerate my body,
With a gash, slit, slash, and split, from this earth I shall part.