From the Journal of E.C.C.


Roar Roar Roar

Roar Bumpy Bumpy

Roar Roar Roar



Tilt up


Roar Wobble

Roar Up Up


Roar Roar.

I can see far

far far.

O.K. O.K.

Low hazy.


Steady roar


O.K. O.K.

cruising altitude.

Smooth and steady.

I’m untethered

And airborne

O.K. O.K.

Comments (4)
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Awesome piece. I don't know why but it just got to me, and that's how it should be. Bravo.
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Thanks, but I can't actually claim authorship for this. I've been transcribing the journals of a friend who passed away last year (see the post "Physics"). She was not a good flyer and this was literally what she wrote while taking off one...
Thanks, but I can't actually claim authorship for this. I've been transcribing the journals of a friend who passed away last year (see the post "Physics"). She was not a good flyer and this was literally what she wrote while taking off one morning. When I read it, it struck me as I assume it struck you, very authentic in its sense of anxiety, anticipation and relief. I just edited it a bit, added a word or two, and formatted it to make sense as a poem. So, she deserves the proper credit, hence the heading.
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My condolences. This poem is priceless in its simplicity, and it oozes the essence of phobic. If you could just convince yourself its all going to be okay...
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Thanks. I'll pass your compliments along to her...someday when see her again.
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