I am just as insecure as anyone else
but I want to always be in awe
I usually want to be anywhere but here
Just trying to figure life out
Even though I know I can’t
Just trying to jump head first
even if I can barely swim
Maybe someday I will find a shooting
by laying my head back and looking out the window of a car
Maybe I’ll stop chasing dreams and start living common sense
But the day I do is the day
I grow up and die
So maybe I will keep on eating and drinking
that which I paid nothing for
Maybe I will let the fields and skies be my riches
Maybe I’ll start to see what I have
and I’ll open my ears to the love songs
And open my eyes to the brilliant beauty inside of me
Maybe I will believe every day is an adventure
Maybe I’ll stop exploring the internet
and start exploring my back yard
And then I will know I dont need anything
I don’t already have
And I will turn on this spiritual x-ray
and see the pure beauty and love
swirling within me – radioactive
and powerful, the stuff dead men are raised by
And I won’t look at what I used to
cause that stuff doesnt really exist
maybe it does like the crunchy skin an insect sheds
and then sits next to, thinking they lost something,
(ridiculous, really, but I do that every day!)
Maybe like moonlight and heat lightening and lava
this power/love will light up ooze out and
change landscapes and atmospheres
and the old men on their porches will scratch
their wrinkled foreheads and say to each other,
“Nothing will ever be the same.”
Cause the world is waking up