Do you think that I don't know what you do with my words?
You're a f*#@ing verbal contortionist!
I already know this!
I own no sense of privacy between you and I
Didn't I make this clear to you?
No trust exists no proof that you won't betray me,
No proof that I won't betray you for that matter,
You never know I just might,
Might actually leave for good,
Might turn that corner at full speed,
With my love under one arm,
And my life under the other,
It's crossed my mind,
More than once,
And every time you squeeze me,
Push it a little further,
Ask me one more f*%#ing time!
What's wrong?
I'm getting closer to the starting line,
Lacing up my shoes, pulling my hair back,
As you talk about this bullshit love of ours,
That hasn't existed since us died,
I'm imagining the wind on my face,
Planning on how to carry my packages,
As I daydream about the sprint away from you,
The sound of the gun,
The boom boom boom of my running shoes,
Blood pounding in my ears,
My adrenaline the ultimate high!
Gone before you even knew my race had begun,
And still you sit there expecting me to crumble,
To reveal to you, my thoughts, my feelings, my soul,
Trying every approach, why are you distant?
Are you okay? are you mad at me?
I'm stretching today, staying in shape, getting stronger,
Keep f#%*ing asking me,
And I'm going to put on my running shorts,
The ultimate sports bra and I'm taking my shit to go,
Keep it up, I'm looking forward to turning that corner now,
Anticipating the lack of breath,
That will surely come whenever or if ever, I decide to stop,
Ask me again, come on F*%#ing DO IT!
You have no idea how fast I can run!
Eye Contact-
F*&# You've seen it through my stony facade,
The flash of fear in your eyes tells me so,
And you decide, I'm okay,
I'm just tired, I'm not mad, is enough,
Scampering away from me quietly,
You don't have any more questions for me today,
None that you can think of,
I take a big long drink from my bottle of water,
Relish the feel of lycra against my skin,
Stretch big one last time, as I set my shit down,
I undo my laces and enjoy the quiet finally,
Knowing whole heartedly that I will get my chance,
I will turn that corner one day,
Pounding at full speed,
For now though you're quiet,
And I've exhausted myself,
Running so fast in my head,
I'm going to take a nap while there is silence,
Going to dream of the wind,
Stay the F*#! away from me!
Don't make me show you how fast I can run again.