I stopped writing you poems

           and you don't even notice.

           words needing destination

           thoughts burning into choruses of sentiment

           gazed upon by deaf eyes

           eyes distracted

           looking beyond my phrase

           into self reflecting mirrors

           in other worlds.

           not wanting to be tax by my words,

           not needing to feel the weight,

           or to be burdened by the thoughts.

           eyes looking elsewhere do not see the words that lay cold and

           fallow at your table,

           waiting to be scraped into the garbage.

           inspiration, thoughts, my expression,

           old forgotten toys hiding beneath wet leaves behind the shed,

           fading in the weather,

           fading muse,

           I stopped writing you poems.

Comments (3)
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This is just heart breaking. I sense some real events inspired this one.
Eric Lawson
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I second circushead.

"deaf eyes" - awesome choice of words! ... like eyes that aren't blind but just don't grasp fully when they sweep over what you set out for them...? -Soulja4Alethia
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I should read twice before I comment... lol but the rest of it seems to say exactly that, in better words!

That particular combination just reached out and grabbed me, though!-Soulja4Alethia
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