I watched a moth try to escape.

“The lights are too bright for me to fight. Can you do me a favor on this night? Open the door and allow me to soar.”

“No ” I replied.

The moth circled the window that led outside while I boasted my pride.

“Friend I require do not add me to your pyre.
Show me the fresh air for my wings are beginning to wear.”

The moth fell to the ground and tried to crawl under the crack causing his wings to rip back.

“My wings are torn,” the moth said with scorn.
“For this you shall curse the day you were born.”

“My mother does. Now I’m your judge.”

“And of my jury and execution, is that your solution?”

“An answer without a problem?”

The moth began to hum.

My right eye turned to glass and shattered when the vibrations passed.

“For this you shall see the unmasked face of insanity.”

Moth eggs filled my eye and now roll down my face every time I cry.