Onward through the fog and beyond the “journey of the unknown” is the direction we must travel. This strategy was designed by our father; to spread the word of encouragement and to educate the lost souls of the journey to The Oasis of Tranquility.


The winds of tomorrow will reveal abundant knowledge on issues that humanity must struggle with; while waiting to proceed into the Kingdom of God. May the wisdom of your soul flourish by the winds of tomorrow.


Guided to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruits; the awareness of rage and knowledge regarding the elements of this universe appeared. Occasionally these elements were capable of having enormous powers; which causes strife within our cities. No doubt these demons can appear at any given time; which would explain the proverb “If you want to have a future; act with respect towards the future.”


For the heavens above support those who help themselves and therefore all humanity is waiting to be set free. For these words of wisdom will educate humanity in self-control. Like Beelzebub; the lack of self-control produced unworthiness and for that reason he was no longer welcome in The Oasis of Tranquility.


To be prepared for the transition into The Oasis of Tranquility one must pray for change and continuously improve.  For it is shameful to abandon the true path of righteousness and only ask the almighty one for forgiveness in significant situations. For The Oasis of Tranquility is the Flowing River of Paradise, which creates a feeling of serenity as the sound of the gentle water flows continuously. Where actions like honor and love, faith and forgiveness; are required to enter this kingdom and the thoughts of greed, jealously, and sloth are never experienced.


So prevalent among humanity are the seven deadly sins that penetrate us with a blaze of excessive self-indulgence, and continuously trickle downward with greed, lust, and jealously as hatred and lack of respect are as piercing as ten thousand swords. Consequently those lost souls who have not yet received this gift of internal life must be patience, pray, and be persistent.  For this is the way to The Oasis of Tranquility.


Your soul will be the guide through the five elements of life while the “six senses” restrain you from the seven deadly sins.  At that given moment you will be able to totally control your eight emotions intelligently and The Oasis of Tranquility will be granted to you forever.