All my tomorrows are expunged with brittle essays
Valiant with endeavours petitioning fruition to come to the fold
With each rising morrow brooding new vain overtures
To sail this ship away from the torpedo seeking it`s own end.
The mist of consternation in my soul shall transcend into a mirth
Gallant like a constellation saturated with stars to invite hope;
Parching despair to oblivion and chastisize disparage with a whiplash
Leaving my heart at peace alleviated from worry and carefree.
I never wanted to be a paragon of virtue that I`m being mistaken for
And being put on some giddy pedestal by the folks to be looked upon:
This chagrins my peers with envy hoping for my demise with leer
On their hearts aside with animosity for me which they have clearly shown.
For pete`s sake stop abhorring me for my cognisant endowment
Find your own fiefdom to sate your fiendish souls full of contempt.