Off the brook scuffing the sulphurous verdure,
Sinews and loins dilated by exhaustion of a skirmish
The muzzle poking about for danger with a tongue
Tattered and dappled with blood it loiters in anguish:
A stone throw away on a parching ravine it`s rival
Is devouring hoardingly the light beige burly antler,
Carefree in arrogance of brevity with all the time to kill
It feast on the ruggard plains beneath the heaven`s star.
Dusk howls on the tawny underbrush draping a canopy
Over the luscious bounty scenic panorama parting
The dire stance of a wounded tiger obverse jeopardy;
The hyenas or slow death are the evils purring for it.
Cackling pellet`s white eyes abright the starless night,
Ganging upon the emaciated flesh utterly with content.