If you dreamt of her,
that fair, perfect maiden,
the Angel of Purity,
know that it was I who called out to that Star
In the darkness of the night,
I prayed for that blinding Light,
begging that Spirit to fly to your side,
and retake your hand as your bride:
"Please, do not allow him to be lonely
Let him know that love does not belong to others, only
He is deeply missed
Please embrace him with a kiss
Let him know that he has not been wronged
Not one part of his heart has been pronged
Share with him your Sanctity and Peace
Let the beating of his heart never cease
Do tell him of my unconditional love
and remind him of the even Greater Love from above
Please fill his heart with compassion,
reminding him such should never be rationed
Also please, with your other hand, take his second
and place it into mine, as I have beckoned
Let me intertwine my fingers with yours,
turning our open arms into open doors,
that never close on any soul of pure heart,
ensuring that none of us will ever part."