Some people get their unwanted tattoos at young ages. Don't worry, it's not illegal. But the effects of these unwanted tattoos will definitely cause much pain. Not physically just mentally don't worry about it though. These serial killers, oh excuse me unwanted tattoos, or as we call them, words. They're imprinted into our minds like ink on our bodies, but hey, they're free right."Just forget about it. Words don't hurt" , they say . Well they do. Matter of fact they sting and hurt like hell. Instead  of being mesmerized by it, you despise it. You're reminded of it every single day because it can't be taken away. These tattoo artists don't get hired, they just choose to be this way. You become infected as the ink slowly oozes from their lips and circulates the room and you perceive a sharp pain in your chest. Then you feel as if an enormous rock was just stuck in your throat. Before you know it. Everyone has ink poisoning. But like tattoos you can't take words back. It's too late. You can't just cover it up. Because you and few people will know what once lied there. No mater what you do, the ink that you Released, that you contaminated people with, will now lead to people's worst nightmare. As you try to find ways to get rid of this so called tattoo you lose hope. You try to find different ways to get it off. Until one day you realize what should've been done a long time ago. You come to your senses and finally find your ink remover. The only way to get rid of the tattoo is to get rid of the client. So you removed yourself from the waiting list. You've decided that you're done getting these unwanted tattoos. So you take your own life. Because you've realized that in order to remove the tattoos, you needed to remove your soul. But don't worry . You're just one person. They'll still get plenty of business. 
"Tattoo parlor open 24/7. The worst tattoos you can ask for but hey , they're free." 
Words hurt.