Some people say 'blood is thicker than water,'
and maybe that's true;
But you don't have to be anything like your mother and father--
you choose your own fate, not your parents, but you...
Now, if your parents are good people, then lucky you,
but that don't mean you have to live up to all their expectations.
We are all human beings, we're all flawed--and you are, too.
Just do what you know is right, while knowing your limitations.
And if your parents aren't all that nice,
it's still no reason to be evil.
Be smart, be wise, think twice--
don't fall prey to the devil.
All in all, I'm just trying to say that you aren't your mother or your father,
and you should never feel like you have to be.
You can be anyone you desire, or even someone better!
You are your own person, and you control your destiny.