
Is larger than life 

Smile so bright 

So wide

You'd never guess what it hides 

Eyes shining


Grey as the ocean

Wild in storm 

Arms so warm 

Embrace your soul 

Opening your mind 

Melting your world 

And he doesn't have to try 

He's never heard that before 


Brick by brick 

Cement and stone 

He builds his home 

No space for two

A broken record of hurt

He knows by heart

The words of his demons 

A melody of chaos 

No rhyme, no reason 


In his beautiful mind

He stands two feet tall 


Heart of gold 

Blood runs cold 

Soul unmolded, unsold

He is the hand I reach for 

But it's not open to hold 

He keeps his door closed 

Shades shut 

I try to peer in 

Leave a note on his doorstep 

"Look by your side in the cold"  

He crumples and folds it

Throws it


We both stand alone