Have some whiskey.

Now quickly,

Change the subject

You chain smoking shit.

You're just dribbling piss

On paper.


That cancer ridden vapor

Doesn't make you derivative,

Like those angst ridden fucks

Freshly plucked

From mommy's tits.





You're right.

It's the same

Depleted vein

Drained from

The same songs

The same troglodytes

Pigs and philistines,

The sublimes of rhythmic torture

And contortion...


Try a haiku.


"Ignorant lame rhymes,

Evidently lacking drive;

I can't write for shit."


What is this, free verse?

Are you weak, do your knees hurt?

Do you stumble when you see these skirts?

These cunts will make you bleed a masterpiece,

Believe me.

Serrated blades,

Pistols and hand grenades.

We love the fight.

Always ready to die.


"That's a cliche."


Do you have any last words?


"Here lies a glass man:

He shattered,

Believing he was concrete."


How will you end?

" I don't know."