Let not another day go by

in which you forgive me not.

Otherwise don't cry a tear for me

when i exist no more.

For a memory will be all that's left of me.

A faded photo to be viewed upon occasion,

A part of you discarded from your past.

Let not a tear fall from your eyes,

nor remember me any longer.

For all that we could have had

has been left unspoken in all the days gone by.

And for what reasons?

For the hardness of your heart?

For the good times that you spent with friends?

For every joy you ever wanted was sought after.

But your forgiveness of me has long since abandoned your consciousness.

You might as well have thrown me out with the trash.

For any redeeming quality I might have had

has long ago been trampled upon.

Sent down the road in a trash truck,

taken to an unknown place and has rested

eternally from your thoughts.

From your unwillingness to forgive me not.