Once upon a time
there was a young girl
who sat underneath a fig tree
and pondered the
universe's greatest mysteries:
"Who am I?"
"Why am I here?"
and "What is the meaning of my life?"
And as the wind gently rustled
the leaves on the branches above her
a swift and sudden gust of air
caused a sole leaf to tear
which fell
onto her lap
as in extraordinary reply
so the young girl grabbed the majestic leaf
and touched its cool spine
the slender green leaf
felt durable in her palm
but then
out in the distance
her mother called
beckoning her to return to civilization
before suppertime
thus, the young girl stood immediately
letting the amicable leaf fall to the ground
and dashed to her mother's side
instantly forgetting the dure questions
she had pondered in mind--
the most salient of questions
she had ruminated
on an empty stomach
underneath the fig tree