How's the nap?
Make sure your shoelaces don't come undone
You may lose your dreams
Socks pulled high
Your hat your refuge
Keep your love please I ask keep that much for yourself
What are you protecting yourself from?
I know.
I protect from it too.
Keep sleeping. Sleep to dream.
And remember dear child,
Where do you come from
What's your story
Is that plaid shirt stained with the
sweetness of ice cream 1950's sweetheart?
Or is it the shirt that alone
listens to you,
the shirt of sorrows that
continuously weaves in and out of the
clothesrack of your heart.
We all need these shirts.
Mine is plaid.
These plaid, shirts,
seem to rapture the most
intricate of life and hide all of your
comforts and memories in its
magical checkers to
dispense its unconditional love
each time you rebirth its
beauty to the World.
God Bless the Refuge.