- Details
- Written by: michaelmiller.ic
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 1523
On this day I pay homage to the king born from those peasant ways who fought to the dream. A dream reminiscent of old testament honeys and C.R.E.A.M. I mean it was the indie life where the weak ones would stifle and rivals had spies among your disciples. But the king was without sin so he cast the first stone. The rock was magnetic and no one could match the aesthetic and keep up to king's swag alone. His foes were quelled, with blood upon their lapels; so they knell, before a man who they could not excel. Amongst SmCity, we are all vagabonds, warriors with no masters. But when it comes under siege by the industry's bastards, the D.M.V shall have their weapons unsheathed, and we will scream the battles songs of the Notorious. Ready to die, but always victorious.